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Nyeti - nyeti,

Today is September 28th,


Its 16.04 in the afternoon, sitting in my room, sipping a little coffee, looking outside my window with mixed feelings inside.


Today, I suddenly remember every single detail about this city. How I explored every corner of it, how I survive living in this town with so much memories in the last seven years.


The journey that I've been through is one hell of a ride. Its bitter sweet, but that what makes Yogyakarta really have a special place in all of our hearts.


Those memories closes with me finding my four random friends, whom I hate, but really love at the same time.


Widiya Dohra

Muhammad Herdhana AS

Rahmat Hidayat


These names revolves around me for the last one and a half year.



These people may not be the most perfect individuals I have ever met, but they sure bring a lot of joy during

all of bitterness both inside and outside the hospital.


These folks has taught me no problem is unbearable, when you face it together with your best buddies.

Their presence give me strength in every single problem I have lately.


and today, those moments probably won't be there often


Gua bakal kangen dijemput random buat makan malem ke tempat tempat random

Gua bakal kangen jalan-jalan bareng buat hunting foto

Gua bakal kangen road trip jauh yang kita plan dari lama dan ga pernah wacana















Gua bakal kangen ngeledekin Diki tentang mantan-mantannya

Gua bakal kangen ngeledekin Widya tentang gimana dia jijik hampir buat semua hal

Gua bakal kangen ngeledekin Amat tentang se-mengesalkan apa dia jadi temen koas














Gua bakal kangen curhatan curhatan dadakan yang dengan ada lo semua aja, gua udah bisa tenang













Gua bakal kangen belajar bareng, sampe jam 12 malem

Gua bakal selalu inget kita bahas soal sampe mual, dan berujung main PUBG



Gua bakal kangen semua tentang kalian



I know this may sounds weird, but thank you guys

These last one and a half year would be so meaningless without the presence

of every single one of you


What I hate about meeting each other, is that there's goodbye somewhere along the way

and I guess this is one of those


Thank you for stopping by in my life, my our path crosses again someday














with so much love and tears writing this to all of you


your friend,

Pratama Widi Permana

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